I bought this crate many moons ago at an estate sale when I was old crate crazy. I was snatching up every crate I could get my little paws on for a few weeks. I have another fun DIY crate project coming up soon.
And this one I had been eyeing in my parents basement for over a year now. It weighs...A TON! Maybe 10lbs? maybe more. Anyways, I had my dad bring it to me when he drove through Portland last week-woot! woot! I scored.
I've always thought that turning them into rolling bins with caster wheels would be awesome. And now that I have a little tyke with way too many large toys, I was in need of some extra toy storage space. I am also in the slow process of converting Ben's room to a big boy room (insert sniffle). A couple months ago we got rid of the changing table dresser (and no, that does not mean Ben is potty trained). And now I am in process of changing out all the wall art to big boy stuff. Last to go will be the crib...thank goodness Ben has not yet climbed out of his crib (I bet he could if he wanted to).
Anyways, really simple to make. And if you don't have any crates on hand, you can find 'em new at Joanns or at most vintage stores
1. get four swivel casters. I got for 4 for $5 at home depot-they all came in one pack and were 1 5/8"
Also purchase screws. The package of my casters said that the holes on the caster wheels allowed for #8 screws. So I picked up 16 #8 screws & washers (for one rolling storage bin) that were 1/4" longer than the depth of the wood at the bottom of the crate. I figured this out by trial and error. Just a guess-timate. :)
2. Find a drill bit that just fits into the holes in the casters
3. Align wheels and mark holes with a pencil.
4. Drill holes.
5. Push screws through and attach nuts to secure.
6. Fill with your stuff and enjoy.
Have you made any fun and simple DIY projects lately out of vintage or found items? What else would you put in the rolling storage bins? I could see some of my nice books inside of one.
Here are some pictures from our hike up Dog Mountain on the Columbia River on the Washington side from last weekend. We took the hike Monday and my legs were burning until yesterday. The wildflowers and view were unbelieveable! My hiking partners were also pretty darn adorable! My 3 boys and me!
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