Monday, March 3, 2014

One Exciting Week

Last week was pretty great.

We applied about a month ago to be on the Architectural Heritage Center's Annual Kitchen Revival Tour.  ...and we got word last week that we were chosen.
Super old picture, but the window still looks the same :(

Super excited, however, really poor timing for us.  Steve wanted out but I was able to convince him that we could handle this.  We need to finish restoring and putting in the window before the tour as well as tacking the under cabinet lighting in.  Nothing giant, but anything seems momentous these days with two little running around.

Trying to balance prepping for the tour with a busy next couple weeks at work, bidding contractors for our upstairs remodel, cleaning out our attic and, oh, don't forget the kids!

Wish us luck and we hope to see you there!


  1. Very exciting news! Your kitchen looks awesome!

  2. Congrats! We enjoyed doing the tour a couple years ago. You'll enjoy meeting so many old house junkies. I sure did.
